Well its always good to start off on a good note so lets do start there. First let me say we had an amazing Thanksgiving with both sides of our families. It was really great to see everyone and the food was all so yummy!

My family-Back row is Me and Cami, my mom in the center, My oldest sister Angie and her daugther Natalie(2yrs) in front of her is her other daugher Cheyenne(12yrs), and then there is Caleb(the only boy) and my youngest sister Kelli! Arent they all beautiful I love this picture. I miss you guys already and cant wait for the next visit!
Cami has been babbling up a storm and not really babbling anymore its all really starting to come together now. She is saying basketball(b-b-baw), spongebob (b-b-bob), Car(caw), Purple(pupl), thank you(tankdo), Night-night(just as it sounds she says it perfect), water (wawa), I want, Done, book, ball, ready go(weay uh), 1,2,3, she will go uh, uh, uhhhh....but hey its counting and its mimicing so I will take it. Got a few new little surprises from her she now calls her Dada- let me spell it exactly how it sounds cause she drags it out....Dadeee Dadeee so cute all you hear all day is Dadee Dadee Dadee Hi Dada, Bye Dadee, Dadee Go byebye....she loves her Dadee!
Next was a good surprise for my mom, while down visiting her Cami walked over to her and said Mawmaw(thats what the kids call her), it was perfect, it wasnt forced or asked she knew who she was it was so great. Now back at home she will see things that remind her of her mawmaws house and say her name.
Next shocker really happened on the drive down to my familys, Cameran was flipping through her NEW favorite book "Pinkalicious" well let me just tell you its such an adorable book. Its about a girl who eats so many pink cupcakes her whole body turns pink and she cant figure out why. Lots of graphics in it, with the mom and dad, the house, outside, bath time a little of it all. And we all know my Cami LOVES LOVES LOVES books. Well she was flipping through the book and came across a page and she said Mama...Duckee and she was pointing to the middle of the page and there it sat a rubber ducky in the bath tub. I was so excited that she new what it was. I said yes Cami that is a ducky and a ducky says quack quack and she goes MmmmMmmmm(growling sound) it was hilarious. More happenings from this wonderful book is she associates the man in the book for her daddy because he wears a hat just like her daddy. She pats her head and says Dadeeee. And the top of toppers was she flipped to a page where it shows a big picture of the little girl chest up solid pink holding her hand out and Cami said Mama getting my attention(dont you just love it) she showed me tha page of the little girl and I said she is pink Cami and Cameran held her hand up and was flipping it back and forth studying it trying to figure out why she was not pink........OMG that is amazing to me that she reconized the difference.
Oh speaking of did I tell ya that at school they have those peg puzzles of different shapes, colors, animals and such and yes my girl can do them now!!!! Go Cami! So lots of great news!
Now to the bad.....Bummer! Where to start let me just start off on an easy one if you will. Well its not so easy for the hubby.....LOL!
Remember that pretty little truck he got about 2 weeks ago. Well we drove it on our trip to Louisiana. And if anybody lives south dont take this offensive but yalls roads just suck!!!!!! They are bumpy, uneven and rocky! And rock being the main word in this next sentence. Yes you may have guessed it by now.....A rock flew up and hit his windshield and made a crack starting out about 4 inches. Let me just say that thing kept going and going and going. Now let me tell you when this happened, it was about 3 hours into the trip in good ol Alabama(not the worst state of bad roads, Arkansas takes the cake for that one) but still I had to listen to that crap the rest of my trip......7 freakin hours at that! Men and their vehicles.....teehee! Me I'm just like a car is a car and it can be replaced but stress me out would ya we havent even paid the 1st note on that thing and here we are already having to replace the stinkin windshield. Which mind you aint cheap!!!! Ugghhhh....
So on to the avoided subject but this is what this blog is for our many ups and downs and this is a BIG downer! Seizures....the worst word in my vocabulary! I hate it and I hate even talking about it because it brings back so many bad memories. So this go round we think they are absent seizures. Her teacher called me one day a couple of weeks ago that they think Cami had an absent seizure. Said they where in the middle of an art project and she was happily participating when she just stopped! They called her name and was rubbing her face and got no response and seconds later she snapped out of it and was back to her project. Take it back about one week prior to that and here at home me and the kids where loading up to go out and she had just gotten on her coat and shoes and was walking into the kitchen and she just stopped I said come on Cami and I got no response...I said Cami....still nothing, I had to have said her name 6 times with no response clapped my hands, waved them in front of her face not even a blink then all of a sudden she blinked and looked around smiled real big and was out the door! So seizure or no seizure???? We know she had one in her sleep a few weeks back.
She goes for an EEG bright and early tomorrow morning and really it couldnt have come on a worse day. Why well my bad news just keeps coming.
Today she woke up with one crusty eye that looked like it had been sewn shut. I tried my best to wipe it clean but it was just to nasty and man did she ever kick up a HUGE fuss! So anyhow after we got back from dropping Caleb off I checked her temp because she had a pretty good cough as well and her temp came back as a low grade of 99.4 so I kept her home. Good thing becuase both of her eyes kept getting worse and worse, gunky, oozing stuff out of them. So I took her to the Dr. and yes my girl has pink eye in both eyes. And man does it look painful and disgusting...Caleb actually describes it as runny green boogers.....thats a kid for ya, but the boy is right. She will not let you wipe it, she goes crazy if you even get close to her face with a rag. Its very contageious but he gave us some drops to put in them 3xs a day for 7 days. Said she will be contagieous up to 24 hours after the first eye drop has been given so she should be good to go back to school on Thursday. But the way they are looking now I just dont know. Tonight before she went to bed they looked like they where bleeding, light pink tears actually. They are all swollen and red. I feel so sorry for my girl but all I can think of is who is gonna be the 2nd one in our household to get it!!!!! This ought to make her in a chipper mood tomorrow morn for her EEG! Yay me!!!!
I'll keep you all posted on how the test comes out. Not making any promises on how soon considering the above but hopefully I'll have it up by this weekend :)
Glad to see the other kiddos doing great....And Go Dawson on your 180+ days seizure free and your new walking skills thats amazing buddy! And Madie, girly you will be sf in no time, seems you are making great progress and getting so close to being on less meds, then mom watch out she will be impressing you every day with her skills, just you wait! Just try to keep those nightly awakenings to a minimum us moms need a good night rest everyonce in a while ;)...LOL! Its a nice thought anyways!
Have a good rest of the week!