Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Guess What????

Guess what my girl did yesterday evening? She went POOP in the potty! Hooray!

I screamed so loud with excitement that she jumped down and ran into the hallway scared to death....LOL! She kept saying I shoo I shoo so I took her to the potty she tried to get down and was fighting against it but with a song from mommy and some praise and telling her to push she finally did it!!!!! I grabbed my camera of course to get some shots and she was very curious to what went in. She said I go PeePee Horray! Go Cami! Mommy is so proud of you!!!! Lets hope it holds....Fingers crossed!


JSmith5780 said...

GREAT JOB Cami!! We are all so proud of you!

Jamie said...

LOL! I just got your comments! yeah I hear good ol picky eaters...check out the creepy mo-foe who commented on my blog...EEK LOL!
hey good job not taking pictures of the poopy...;)