Man the fist day of summer was yesterday and it was another scorcher of a day! Poor kiddos have been stuck in the house because its too hot to be outisde. So when indoors you just have to make do. Right now they are pretending they are in a car driving through different states (Caleb is also the GPS) and Cami keeps putting her stinky feet in his face...LOL! Cami says she is going to work and gives you a kiss on the face then holds her phone up to her face chatting on her way out of the room. Got to love those wild imaginations, I just adore that Cami is getting into the pretend stage, its a great thing to see! I also have a 9.5 month old that is trying to walk. Anyday now she will literally be into everything!!!! She is the fastest crawler and loves to be everywhere her brother and sister are and if they shut her out of their room she will sit there in the floor and scream till they open back up! She adores them both. And I tell ya this girl is full of expressions, she makes some of the most adorable faces you have ever seen, she keeps us laughing all day, its an entertaining household for sure!
The past few weeks have been a doozie! First bit of news goes out in memory of my step-dad who passed away unexpectedly June 5th. It was a bit to take in and still doesnt seem real. He had a kind soul and loved my mom very much and of course his step-grand-children. He will be greatly missed! He and my mom would have celebrated 15 years of marriage on June 28th. So Im asking for many prayers during this difficult time for my mom and his two sons and family!

In Loving Memory Garland Austin McCoy(Luke/PawPaw)
We took that long trip to Louisiana for his service and back in 2 days time, Went down on Tuesday night and came back Thursday so basically 19 hours of car ride = cranky kids...LOL! They were not happy campers for sure, lots of crying and meltdowns and of course wouldnt be a car ride if you didnt hear "Are we there yet?" a couple dozen times, ha I think I said it a few times myself ;)
I wished we went down on better terms and of course I wished we could have stayed longer, I miss my family so much! Wish we could have wrapped them up and brought them back up here with us. When we got back in town we had to unpack and then pack for our camping trip on Friday and left out for Kentucky on Saturday morning. Thankfully it was only a 2 hour trip to our destination. We stayed at Yogi Bears Jellystone Campground at Mammoth cave. It was so hot we stayed in the camper from about 10-2, the heat was just horrible. We hung out at the pool and of course the 300ft water slide that the kids just could not get enough of. That is all we have heard out of Cami, she gets so excited talking about it that she starts jumping up and down. We did a few games of putt-putt, hit the game room a few times, the park and always ended the evening with a stop for ice cream! On June 13th the hubs and I celebrated our 12 year anniversary we took a drive to Bowling green that day to get out of the heat and walked around in the mall for a little shopping. On Monday we took the kids to the cave which is suppose to be the longest cave in the world like 300 something miles long and we toured a whole 1/4 of a mile of it....LOL! We took the Frozen Niagra tour which is suppose to be good for the young kid group and Elders....LOL! Felt like an old fudie dudie...teehee! We were the only ones on it that had kids. We took a bus ride to the destination and of course it was Camis first bus ride(she was extatic) and of course that meant a big melt down when we had to get off of it...she cried through the whole 30 minute tour of the cave because she wanted to ride the "school bus" again. Jayden started up soon as we got in the cave as well, so guess it would be safe to say that Caleb was the only one who got to enjoy it. Since the hubs had to carry 47 pounds of whinning and I had to carry 18 pounds of a whinner and back arching baby. We had to hunch down through some parts and squeeze through some very narrow walls with these two attatched to us. The tour guide even took his hat off and was flashing his flash light off and on through it to keep there attention off of crying....LOL! Sorry folks that our crew ruined it! But atleast Caleb enjoyed it he thought it was the coolest.
Tuesday we packed it all up and came home. On Wednesday Cami started running a temp, took her to the Dr on Thursday couldnt find anything to cause her temp. It continued for 3 days of temps of 102.7 and 103 until Friday afternoon she bursted out with a rash. So took her to the Dr on Saturday where she was said to have a viral rash. I almost thought she had the dang chicken pox cause she was so itchy and they were everywhere. After the Drs appointment we got the all clear of her not being contageious anymore so we went to a local town and hit the RC Cola and MoonPie festival and we werent there and Caleb collapsed complaining of leg pain again. His legs were like noodles couldnt walk he had done this on our camping trip as well. We ended up having to carry him he said his legs felt weak. Then 15 minutes later he said mama what is this and shows me his finger. Also while camping he had picked up these what we thought were like colored stone rocks well that would be a negative turned out it was glass found that out after he picked the sucker up and it sliced 3 of his fingers open. Serioulsy those folks needs to put a sign out there warning people/children to not pick them up! Anyhow his finger looked infected raised with white...staph is what it looked liked, looked just like Camis finger did a few weeks back. So with all that excitement we ended up just leaving the festival. We hit the drive-in movies Saturday night for an early fathers day activity. It was great it was a double feature Watched Toy Story 3 and then Prince of Persia. It was the first time that Cami did really good with it, she sat with her daddy in his chair and rubbed his ear (she loves to rub ears) she wathced almost all of it the fell asleep. Jayden sat in my lap and watched about half of it, she had those feet dangling off my lap with excitment wathcing the movie. Next thing I knew she was sound asleep on my chest! Not one fuss out of them! After they were out we placed them in the pack and play and it was just the hubs and I and Caleb enjoying the movies. Caleb loved spending that time with just us he also loved eating 2 funnel cakes and ice cream at 11pm. The 2nd movie didnt end until a little after 1am. We were pooped out, but it was great! Spent the day with the hubs on Sunday just hanging out celebrating him. On Monday I took the kids back to the Dr, Cami still had her spots(that get worse in the heat) he said they could take a week to go away but she is not contageious. Calebs finger was said to not be staph, said it looked like it was healing. He looked at his legs, hips and ran some blood test and nothing was found. Again they just hand us the verdict of being growing pains. Me I just dont buy it. He has been doing this for years and complaining of severe leg pains for a while so bad that sometimes he just doenst wont to walk and other times he just collapses. So I guess its just time for a 2nd opinion. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Well that sums up our summer break so far. Im so hoping that it gets better from here ;0
1 comment:
How did I miss this??? I KNOW I have been to your blog since late June and I never saw it.
So sorry about your step-dad. I hope your mom is healing.
The leg pain thing is really weird with Caleb. Have you gotten a second opinion. I think I would start with an orthopedic.
Hugs to those adorable girls!
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